Thursday 17 September 2015

Edge of the Empire - Beginner Game - Unboxing/First Look

Today we will take a look at the Beginner Game for Fantasy Flights - Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.

This is the first Role Playing game that I have played, I have always been intrigued by the idea and finally decided to take the plunge with this beginner game.

This is an introductory booklet that gives you an example of how an encounter would play out.

This book is used by the GM, containing the scenarios and whats to be read out before the start of each encounter.

This is a smaller version of the main rulebook, to help out with any rules queries.

This beginner game comes with four pre-made characters to try out, each with a back story.

This is an example of one of the character sheets, showing their stats, gear and proficiency with each skill.

Green - Ability
Yellow - Proficiency
Purple - Difficulty
Red - Challenge
Blue - Boost
Black - Setback
White - Force

This chart explains what each of the symbols represent, how they can cancel each other out and how they can have positive or negative affects on outcomes.

Counters used to represent your characters and enemies on the map during encounters.

You are given several maps to play out each scenario on.

The Play Experience
One night me and two mates of mine [Alan and Wayne] sat down with this beginner game and picked up a character each. One of us was then nominated to be the Game Master as well as a player. We started in the Cantina and had to hide from the Gamorrean guards that were chasing us. I was playing as the Smuggler and hid under the table in one of the booths, knocking over a drink that was left there and making a mess on the floor. This was because I made a successful roll but gained some threat whilst doing so. Alan who was playing the Twillik Bounty Hunter decided he would try and blend in with the other Twillik Dancer on the stage and managed to fail horribly. Scaring the dancer, leading to her pushing him off the stage and onto the floor. Wayne who was playing the droid decided to hide in the cupboard behind the bar, luckily finding a thermal detonator in there. It came to combat, Alan was still rolling around on the floor when I took my shot at the first Gamorrean. I severely wound him before it jumps over to Wayne's turn. Noticing that they are distracted fighting me, he decides to throw the detonator at the guards. Killing all three all of them. The dust settles and Wayne cant quite believe what happened. Alan dusting himself off and acting like it was all part of the plan.

This is just one example of many of the scenarios that come in the beginner box though i must say the highlight of the night was a little companion that Wayne acquired. Whilst being chased through the city by stormtroopers we decided to combine his droid and grenades from his bag and make an improvised bomb. Its safe to say that the stormtroopers didn't live to tell the tale.

The game itself was pretty easy to figure out with the dice system giving you an easy way to see the outcome whilst giving the DM something to work with to make things more interesting. Pretty much everything you need to ease you into a role playing experience is provided which was great as none of us had any experience with these kinds of games.

I have to admit that i enjoyed this game so much that I had to go out and buy the main rule book. I would greatly recommend this to anyone who is even slightly interested in trying this out. It is very easy to pick up and not a big investment [about £24]. If we can manage to get all three of us in the same place sometime soon then i have no doubt that we will have to start up some adventures of our own.

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