Sunday 23 August 2015

X Wing - 100pt ABX Rebel List

Ive recently had a chance to get back into X Wing and this was my first chance to make up a Rebel list. Based mostly around the Rebel Aces and backed up by Biggs Darklighter.

Jake Farrell - 28pts

The focus of Jake Farrell in the list is maneuverability whilst dodging as much fire as possible. Jakes ability allows him to be more maneuverable whilst being focused. Allowing him to get into a position and be ready to deal more damage when he gets there. Combine this with Outmaneuver and you are making your enemy even easier to hit. Push the limit gives you the chance to barrel roll or boost again to make sure you are in the correct position to strike. Chardaan Refit gives me a few extra points to play with whilst A-Wing Test pilot allows me to take the two Elite Pilot Skills.

Keyan Farlander - 39pts

Stress is key when it comes to Keyan [No pun intended] as it triggers several abilities to go off in a row which allows him to be more offensive and defensive. This is pretty easy to do when so many of the B wings maneuvers stress the pilot anyway. So Keyan main ability of being able to spend a stress to change focus into hits, this then triggers Kyle Katarn which gives you a focus and allows you to use it defensively when being shot at. The Fire-Control System is also triggered which gives you a target lock, handy when you are stressed all the time. The Proton Torpedoes giving you a little extra punch.

Biggs Darklighter - 33pts

Biggs is pretty much the lists tank. His ability lets him take hits for other members close to him whilst R2D2 lets him regenerate the damage he takes, letting him soak up a fair bit of damage.Once again the Proton Torpedoes for a little more offensive capability.

This list combines a slow but powerful ship, a fast but not so hard hitting ship and a middle of the road ship that can soak up damage for the other two. I feel that this is a good list for people who want to get used to using many different types of ship together as well as learning some card synergies.

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